Oct 15 / Molly McLinden

12 Easy Ways to Care for Your Voice!

The best part of being a singer is that your instrument is 100% free of charge!

The con? Weeeellll....you're walking around with your instrument 24/7. If you're sick, tired, or stressed.....it's going to show in your voice.

Getting sick is a valid fear for singers of all ages, whether they're professional or just doing it for personal enrichment.

Also, voices go through strain for other reasons, too. One is by using improper technique, or by shouting or screaming .

And then there's allergy season.....or.....well, you get the idea. There are multiple reasons why voices can suffer, but fear not!

I've been singing for over thirty years (that is SO hard to believe!), and teaching for 22. My voice, and my clients' voices have been through A LOT! You name it, I've seen it, heard it, or dealt with it myself.

What I am telling you is that there is no need to stress, I've got ya!

Here are 15 very easy ways to take care of your voice, so that you feel excellent both singing and speaking!

1) Make sure you're sufficiently hydrated!

No, this does not mean you chug a ridiculous amount of water just as you're about to sing. This runs the risk of you OVERhydrating, which can make you feel awful !  

So, how much water is enough water to sound your best? Just stay adequatedly hydrated throughout your regular day.

And you know you're adequately hydrated when you "pee pale and sing clear"! Ha!

2) Invest in a personal steamer!

Ohhhh , how I love steaming. 

Seriously, get one. Now. 

They're inexpensive, and nothing feels as good as a steaming when you're feeling tired, hoarse, or sick! Every singer, speaker, actor needs one!

3) Avoid menthol, try slippery elm!

That's right. Menthol, while it may feel soothing at first to a sore throat, just doesn't get the job done. It only masks the discomfort for a while, and they before you know it...you've gone through an entire bag of Hall's!

My suggestion is to give slippery elm a try! This can be found in the ever so famous tea, Throat Coat (yes, it does work!).

It can also be found in my favorite throat lozenges, Thayer's!

Why slippery elm? Simple: it soothes WITHOUT drying you out!

4) If you're at a loud event, BE CAREFUL!

Theme parks, baseball games, concerts...loud parties....you get the idea. Listen, you can still have a ton of fun without yelling! Seriously, if you saw what your vocal cords were doing when you yelled? You wouldn't do it again!  If you need to say something to someone and they have a hard time hearing you- just tap them on the shoulder and signal to them to follow you , so you can speak in a quieter location. Or, text them!

5) Add cardio to your exercise routine

If you're not doing cardio as part of your fitness routine, now is the time to start! Why? Well, regular cardio like dance or jogging or running help builds up better lung capacity, thus making it easier for you to be more powerful and consistent in your singing!

6) Watch what you eat!

NO, this does not mean "AVOID DAIRY LIKE THE PLAGUE!" or caffeine, chocolate, etc.  UNLESS, of course, you have problems with those in general!

If you DON'T struggle with the above- everything in moderation! But, if you don't have a problem with dairy in general, for example, having that before you sing will most likely not be problematic and cause excess phlegm, like you've been told.

Since we are the instrument, eating as well as you can helps your entire body, and that includes your voice. There is no magic food to make you sing better (can you imagine?), so just do your best !

7) Pace yourself vocally!

Do you feel yourself getting tired vocally? Stop. It's as simple as that. If you are using good vocal technique and getting tired, you are likely just doing too much!

However, if you're new to vocal technique and getting tired, you may want to wait until you get personal guidance from a reliable vocal coach (hint hint!) and see what is going on ! Don't panic: most things can be fixed with the right set of eyes and ears!

8) Up your intake of Vitamin C

Get it in the form of citrus.....actual vitamins....or Emergen-C. But Vitamin C is essential for warding off respiratory illnesses. It goes without saying that those can sidetrack a singer or actor , and it's NOT fun. It's part of life, but it can be less frequent with prevention! My sister is a Speech-Language Pathologist that works in a school (germy places!), and swears by Emergen-C!

9) Stay rested!

Good sleep is SO essential for ...well, everything...and that includes being the best singer you can be. 

One thing that helps me get a good night's sleep is "powering down" an hour before bed, meaning no screens!

I recommend listening to soft jazz or classical music to wind down. 

10) Invest in an air purifier

My personal favorite brand is BlueAir. Yeah, it's on the pricier side, but SO worth it!  Like many, I suffer from seasonal allergies. Although BlueAir doesn't take away all the suffering- it sure makes a heck of a difference, so my voice is at it's clearest when I am teaching and coaching singers!

11) Be regular with your dental visits

It's super important in general, but there is one specific reason why you want to check in with your dentist: TMJ disorders!

TMJ disorders, including grinding your teeth at night, mean you hold a buttload of tension . 

A dentist can often diagnose, and then prescribe specific exercises, or a mouth gard, among other things to help with this common condition that does indeed effect ease in singing!

12) Stay calm and grounded

Our voices sound best when we're happiest, it's true. If only it were so easy when life can be sad or or downright stressful from time to time. 

Specific to singers, there is that whole "stage fright" thing, too!

My recommendation? Meditation! One of my first drama teachers had us try it waaaay back when I was in middle school, and since then I've loved it. It's so important for artists! 

If you've never tried it, don't worry..."there's an app for that!"

I personally LOVE "Happier", but have heard great things about "Calm" as well.

You don't need to spend a lot of time meditating, either. "Happier" has meditations that are 5, 10, or 15 minutes long if that's all you've got!

12 easy ways to care for your voices, my singer friends. What do you say?  I know you can implement most of these, if not all of them, quite easily!  Hey, if you've been following me you know I am ALL about keeping it simple. That's how we stick with it!

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