Why Online Singing Lessons Just WORK!

Have you always wanted to learn how to sing? Maybe you’ve taken voice lessons before, and you’re considering starting them up again.
Have you considered taking voice lessons ….online? There are so many reasons why online voice lessons are wonderful!
First of all, it’s all about convenience! Let’s say you’re reading the site of a voice teacher that has everything you want- great reviews, fun videos, and an impressive resume. But, he or she also happens to be on the opposite side of the country. Or in another country altogether!

 If they offer online voice lessons, this is no problem. You can study with an amazing teacher no matter where you are if you have a solid internet connection! 
Speaking of convenience, you bypass annoying things like traffic or bad weather. Not to mention that you can wear your pajamas. Doubt your teacher will care-I know I sure don't!

Also, you can show off your pets. I know I love seeing my students' cats and dogs join them for a lesson.
Many students do wonder about the overall effectiveness of online voice lessons. I assure you that your teacher can address all the same issues if they can see and hear you clearly ! Breath, posture, tone quality….all of these things can easily be strengthened online, too. Just make sure you have a good microphone and camera. Also, make sure you have your lesson in a place free from distractions. 
Online voice lessons are also wonderful for those that may be a bit more shy, or super busy. This goes for all ages! Busy parents will appreciate having one less place to shuttle their child to.
Working adults that want to learn how to sing are more likely to find a spot to fit in a voice lesson if it’s online. It’s also a great way to break up the day if they work from home!
Online voice lessons are also easy to record! This is crucial, as you can easily track your progress this way. No more asking your teacher, “what did we go over in our lesson?” You can learn much more quickly when you record. You'll learn so much about yourself. 
Some learners may feel apprehensive and fear they are missing a connection by having online lessons instead of in person lessons. With today’s technology, it honestly feels like the other person is right there with you!

Seriously, you don't need ANYTHING fancy to take an online voice lesson. Some of my students have even FaceTimed from on the go (while another person was driving, of course!)

I can even join you backstage if you want a warmup before you go on! Ask your castmates/bandmates to join us! 

Bottom line? Virtual lessons get RESULTS. I have been able to help singers land huge roles, great gigs, and get into some pretty prestigious acting and music programs simply from Zoom instruction! It's all about attitude, and what you put into it.

Plus, we can meet each other's pets, so there's that...

So , what are you waiting for? Take the plunge with an online voice lesson today on Zoom! I offer thirty, forty five, and sixty minute lessons. No time the the present to SING...online!

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