Dec 12 / Molly McLinden

Are Singing Lessons Really WORTH IT?

Are singing lessons REALLY worth it?

After all, they're not exactly cheap. Sure, you can find lots of YouTube tutorials out there, but the bottom line is if you REALLY want to improve your singing voice, you need another set of eyes and ears helping YOU specifically....and you need that all to take place live, whether it's online or in person!

Perhaps you've been doing some initial research about singing lessons and you've found that the majority of voice teachers are not exactly cheap (including myself). But that's for another blog post, am I right? Ha!

Anyway, this post serves to let you know why singing lessons are indeed "worth it".

One reason why is you get 100% personalized coaching. When you sign up for a private voice lesson, it is ALL ABOUT YOU! Your teacher/vocal coach  can see what YOU need to work on, and let YOU know what your specific strengths are as well. He or she can let YOU know what songs may suit you best, and help you create your own unique interpretations. 

Another reason is this: if you're NOT taking singing lessons, you may have something about your voice that's realllllly bugging you- but you can't get to the bottom of what it is! If you sign up with a reputable voice teacher, they are likely to be able to "diagnose" your problem fairly quickly, and come up with a solid game plan for you!

Working with a professional vocal coach can also expose you to other genres you may never have considered for your voice. I know that happened to me personally! I initially set out to study musical theatre voice with my first voice teacher. She heard something in my voice that said I'd be well suited to opera, so I tried it and sang it for several years !

In my own studio, I have an example,too. I work with an adult student who had never heard of old pop "standards" from the American Songbook , prior to starting lessons with me. Well, I thought her smoky, lower voice was well suited to this style...told her to have a listen..and now she performs shows for seniors singing these songs they remember, and they LOVE IT!

YES, singing lessons are completely worth it if you want GUIDANCE with these things:

You want a plan on what to practice specifically , and you want to know how much to practice voice, and how often. 

You also want to know what kinds of music work best for your voice.

You also want to know if something may be too high or too low for your voice, and need help selecting the proper keys to sing in.

You also want someone to be able to tell where specifically you are holding tension. Sometimes it's not always clear until someone else can see it themselves!

You also want someone to be able to tell you what voice type you may be.

You want to make quicker progress! With regular lessons, combined with practice on your own, you will most certainly do that. 

You want to be able to learn advanced techniques, such as belting , rock vocals, or perhaps classical voice. It's easy to cause damage if you don't know what you're doing. 

You only get one voice, and if you're committed to making it the best it can be, then yes, private online or in person singing lessons are well worth it for the reasons outlined above! 

Ready to take the plunge? Yay! I'm SO here for ya, whether it's online or in the Chicago area.   I tailor every lesson to you...there is not one way to do things, so meet with me and we'll find out how you learn best and take it from there. Sound good? Let's begin your vocal journey! 

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